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Up In The Attic Book Discussion #1: Trout Fishing in America

Join us Tuesday, January 14 from 7-9pm for a casual discussion on Richard Brautigan’s Trout Fishing in America. This will be the opening chapter of a new monthly book club series called Up In The Attic hosted at Flatland Gallery (enter through Brasil on Dunlavy.)

“Brautigan’s minimalist prose wove hallucinations into social commentary, pastoral meditations into cultural satire, and journalistic reports about mundane existence into nihilistic, punkish sirens.”

Trout Fishing in America is disruptive, self-aware, surreal and completely bizarre.

This event is always free and open to the public. The book can be purchased online or accessed via PDF HERE

Follow us on Instagram @readintheattic for book club updates. We meet on the second Tuesday of every month from 7-9pm to discuss a new book that is voted on by participants of the previous discussion.


- B R A S I L -

2604 Dunlavy St.

Houston, TX 77006

713.528.1993 |